Flowering size orchid
the plants are cultivated in pots for shipping, but should be placed in baskets
Our orchid substrate, with a capacity of 4 liters, consists of over 90% pine bark of different grain sizes. It contains only small amounts of wood and…
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a cross between Lc. Luminosa and Rlc. Toshi Aoki Pizzaz the plants are flowering in one year, Young plant, Plant size ca. 15 cm, Flower size ca. 15-1…
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Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 20-25cm, Flower size ca. 3-5cm, Sunny, Moderately damp, Temperate to warm, No rest period, Fertilize lightly 2-3…
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 4-6 cm, Flower size ca. 3-4cm, Semishade, Moderately damp, Cool to warm, Fertilize twice a month during the grow…
In stock (3)
large, strong plants with flower buds, Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 5-8 cm, Flower size ca. 1,5cm, Semishade, Damp, Temperate to warm, No res…
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 10-15cm, Flower size ca. 3-4cm, Semishade to sunny, Damp, Temperate, No rest period
The pseudobulbs should be overwintered cool (approx. 8°C), but frost-free (20cm when the leaves are formed), Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca.…
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 10cm, Flower size ca. 4cm, Shady to semishade, Damp, Temperate, No rest period
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 15-25 cm, Flower size ca. 3-4cm, Semishade, Damp, Cool to temperate, No rest period
Plant size ca. 25cm, Flower size ca. 1-2cm, Semishade to sunny, Damp, Temperate, No rest period
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 25cm, Flower size ca. 1cm, Semishade, Damp, Temperate, No rest period
strong, beautifully cultivated plants Paphiopedilum josianae (concolor var. longipetalum) is a rare and exquisite orchid native to the tropical fo…