Terms & Conditions


For any business relationships between Großräschener Orchideen and our customers we will apply the following terms and conditions.


Our plants can be ordered via our online shop, via phone or written notice (letter or e-mail) to Großräschener Orchideen.
Your order represents an offer for the conclusion of the desired contract of sale. The contract is being concluded as soon as your order will be explicitely accepted by us through an order confirmation notification or through the shipment of the goods.


All goods will be packed carefully into parcels and will be shipped via DHL. The parcel usually gets a DHL tracking number which we provide in our shipment confirmation emails and which can be looked up at the DHL homepage. In case of damaged goods or lost parcels, please contact us as soon as possible in order to enable us to help you quickly.

In order to protect the plants, parcels will only be shipped under frost-free weather conditions.

Revocation policy

Right of revocation:
The customer may revocate a contract of sale without cause within fourteen days, either by returning the good(s) to Großräschener Orchideen or by delivering written notice of revocation to Großräschener Orchideen (letter or E-mail). This period will start after the receipt of this revocation notification, but not before the customer has received the good(s) (in case of recurring deliveries of similar goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and not before all information obligations laid down in article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 (1) and (2) EGBGB and § 312g (1) Satz 1 BGB in conjunction with article 246 § 3 EGBGB have been fulfilled. To meet the revocation deadline it is sufficient to dispatch the notice of revocation or the good(s) punctually. Notice of revocation is to be addressed to:

Großräschener Orchideen
Hans-Joachim Wlodarczyk
W.-Seelenbinder-Str. 21
D-01983 Großräschen

Email: info@orchideen.de

Consequences of revocation:
In the event of a valid cancellation, both parties must return all good(s) and payments received and any other received benefits (such as accrued interests). If it is not possible for the good(s) to be returned whole and/or in their original condition, the customer must reimburse Großräschener Orchideen for any loss of value of the good(s). This does not apply if the poor condition of the good(s) is the result of an inspection of the good(s) as it would have been possible before buying, for example, in a physical store. Goods that can be shipped as a parcel by regular mail are shipped at Großräschener Orchideen's risk. If the good(s) cannot be shipped by regular mail, then Großräschener Orchideen will arrange for pick-up. The customer must bear the regular cost of returning the good(s) if the good(s) received are as ordered and if the original purchase price of the good(s) to be returned did not exceed EUR 40 or if the customer has, at a price exceeding EUR 40, at the time of cancellation not fulfilled the reward or an agreed installment. Otherwise, the customer may return products without incurring any costs. Any obligation to reimburse payments must be satisfied within 30 days. The 30 day period begins on Großräschener Orchideen's part with the receipt of the goods and on the customer's part with the dispatch of the notice of cancellation or the punctual dispatch of the good(s).

End of revocation information.

Reservation of proprietary rights:

Up to the complete payment the goods remain in our property.

Data protection:

We do not transmit your data to third parties. During the order process your data transmission is encrypted using a 128-bit strong key (SSL).

Court of jurisdiction:

For any conflict in relation with orders at Großräschener Orchideen, Senftenberg (Germany, D-01983) is the exclusive court of jurisdiction, as far as the person ordering is a businessman, an entity subject to (German) public law or a juristic person subject to (German) public law.
German public law also applies to all shipments outside of Germany, explicitely excluding international private law and the CISG (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods).

Welcome coupon1

1 Valid for the first order. Your discount will be deducted automatically.

Volkertara Juan Yi Delight
Volkertara Juan Yi Delight

freshly potted plants, Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 25 cm, Flower size ca. 8 cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, No rest period, Fertili…

EUR 27.00EUR 19.00