Flowering size orchid
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Xaxim, tree fern fiber from New Zealand, ensures good root growth, remains structurally stable, very suitable for small orchid species that are diffic…
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 10cm, Flower size ca. 1cm, Semishade, Wet, Temperate, No rest period
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flowering size, vigorous plants, Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 20-25 cm, Flower size ca. 8, Semishade, Moderately damp, Warm, No rest period, …
Flowering size orchid, Semishade, Damp, Temperate
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 20-25cm, Flower size ca. 3-5cm, Sunny, Moderately damp, Temperate to warm, No rest period, Fertilize lightly 2-3…
Established young plants, flowering in one to two years, Young plant, Plant size ca. 20 cm, Flower size ca. 13 cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp…
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Semishade to sunny, Damp, Temperate
blooms vigorously in 2 years, Young plant, Plant size ca. 7-8 cm, Flower size ca. 12cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, Temperate, Fertilize 2-3 …
Young plant, Plant size ca. 4-5 cm, Flower size ca. 5cm, Semishade to sunny, Damp, No rest period, fertilize lightly twice a month
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 10cm, Flower size ca. 4cm, Semishade, Damp, Temperate, No rest period
The pseudobulbs should be overwintered cool (approx. 8°C), but frost-free (20cm when the leaves are formed), Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca.…
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 10cm, Flower size ca. 4cm, Shady to semishade, Damp, Temperate, No rest period