Sophronitis (Cattleya) coccinea

[15725] Current Reviews: (3)
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Sophronitis (Cattleya) coccinea

[15725] Current Reviews: (3)

Flowering size orchid

Offspring of selected parent plants, flowering strong, freshly potted

Growth conditions:

Pot-grown plant Pot-grown plant
Plant size ca. Plant size ca. 7-9 cm
Flower size ca. Flower size ca. 5-7cm
Semishade Semishade
Damp Damp
Temperate Temperate
Flowering month December - April
Rest period No rest period
ManureFertilize lightly twice a month

This product is currently sold out.
Date Added: 03/22/2004

Customer Reviews
4.3 Current Reviews: 3
Write Review
Friday, 07. August 2015 14:45:38
Derek A.
United Kingdom

nice plant,very well packed & quick delivery.

Monday, 30. March 2009 22:43:15
Panagiotis D.

Nice one,for this species,mayby it can't be more "strong"...

Wednesday, 27. August 2008 15:52:45
John S.
United Kingdom

I have wanted to obtain this plant for a very long time. Now that I have received such a perfect specimen, I now cannot wait for it to burst into bloom! I have been most impressed by the speed of supply and the secure packaging in which my whole order arrived.

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