Coelogyne nitida alba(ochracea) candida


Coelogyne nitida alba(ochracea) candida


Flowering size orchid

Coelogyne nitida has been found in Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and in China (Yunnan). The shape known from Yunnan is slightly smaller and more compact. Coelogyne nitida alba (also described as candida) comes from India. It is an extremely rare variety. When the pure white flowers open, they give off a pleasant scent.

Growth conditions:

Pot-grown plant Pot-grown plant
Plant size ca. Plant size ca. 30 cm
Semishade Semishade
Damp Damp
Temperate Temperate
Flowering month March - June
Rest period No rest period
Manure2-3 times a month from March to November


Price: EUR 59.00 EUR 39.95
incl. VAT

In stock

Date Added: 05/09/2020

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