beautiful strong multi-shoot plants, Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 25 cm, Flower size ca. 9 x 9 cm, Semishade, Moderately damp, Temperate to w…
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strong, flowering plants, beautifully cultivated, Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 50 cm, Flower size ca. 20-25 cm, Semishade, Moderately damp, T…
very nicely cultivated plants, flowering size in one year, Plant size ca. 30-40 cm, Flower size ca. 15-20cm, Semishade, Moderately damp, Warm, No rest…
flowering strength in one year, Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 20cm, Flower size ca. 12cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, 2 times a month…
beautifully cultivated, strong, flowering plants, Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 25-30 cm, Flower size ca. 19 cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderatel…
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 25 cm, Flower size ca. 15-18 cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, No rest period, Fertilize twice a month fr…
Meristem propagated plants, flowering size in one to two years, Young plant, Plant size ca. 15-20cm, Flower size ca. 16 cm, Semishade to sunny, Modera…
The pictures show the two crossing partners, the plants are flowering in one year., Young plant, Plant size ca. 20-25cm, Flower size ca. ca. 15 cm, Se…
strong, flowering strong in one year, freshly potted, not yet rooted, Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 30 cm, Flower size ca. 18 cm, Semishade to…
The plants are flowering strong in one year, Young plant, Plant size ca. 25 cm, Flower size ca. 15-17 cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, No rest…
Plant size ca. 25, Flower size ca. 8-10 cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, Temperate to warm, Fertilize 2-3 times a month during the growing sea…
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 25, Flower size ca. 12, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, Temperate to warm, No rest period, 2-3 times a mont…
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 25-30 cm, Flower size ca. 15m cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, No rest period, Fertilize twice a month f…
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 35cm, Flower size ca. 11-15cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, Temperate, Fertilize 2-3 times a month from …
In stock (2)
flowering plants, Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 25 cm, Flower size ca. 18 cm, Semishade to sunny, Moderately damp, Temperate, No rest period, …
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