Rossioglossum Rawdon Jester

[23680] Current Reviews: (2)
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Rossioglossum Rawdon Jester

[23680] Current Reviews: (2)

Flowering size orchid

vigorous plants, flowering

Growth conditions:

Pot-grown plant Pot-grown plant
Plant size ca. Plant size ca. 25cm
Flower size ca. Flower size ca. 12cm
Semishade to sunny Semishade to sunny
Moderately damp Moderately damp
Temperate Temperate
Flowering month April - July
Rest period November - March
ManureFertilize twice a month during the growing season

This product is currently sold out.
Date Added: 08/31/2006

Customer Reviews
4.5 Current Reviews: 2
Write Review
Tuesday, 04. October 2016 14:56:17
Kalle V.

Just got my plants today to Finland. 'Rawdon Jester' was big and mostly in good shape, one leaf was a little yellow, but that that's nothing to worry about. Packaging was good.

Saturday, 09. October 2010 11:36:36
Cyril W.
United Kingdom

Good sized plant wihout a blemish arrived in perfect condition. Thanks

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